We specialize in lot master planning and full residential site development. We will guide you through a step-by-step process from concept to construction.
Bayview home
Calgary, Alberta
This complete yard landscape involved developing a custom-built water feature and barbecue and paving stone walkways.
Elbow Rivers Estate
Bragg Creek, Alberta
For this home overlooking the Elbow River, we installed a stepped wall using large structural rock to increase sun exposure, provide large planting areas for attractive trees and shrubs and open site lines to more areas of the attractive acreage. The project involved designing and landscaping around the entire residence.
Church Ranch Residence
bearspaw, ALBERTA
SCOPE worked closely with this homeowner to design and build a water feature to cascade down to the lot’s private lake. We developed a design involving twin ponds, three waterfalls and a bio-filtration system at the top off the rear decks, which then courses down over a number of waterfalls, through a constructed beach to the lake. The circulation system involved a multi-stage vertical lift turbine operated by a state of the art VFD technology and single phase to three phase electrical conversion. The finished landscape was featured in a stylish home magazine popular in the Calgary region.